The Los Angeles Chapter was established more than 70 years ago and its members represent companies from the greater Los Angeles area but also includes companies from as far north as Santa Barbara and as far east as Las Vegas. Our member companies come from a diverse range of industries, including entertainment, construction, automotive, manufacturing, and various service industries. They represent single-member tax departments, departments that number in the hundreds, and everything in between.
We provide educational programs at discounted rates for our member companies by hosting full-day seminars and several chapter meetings each year. The speakers at our seminars represent the most respected global accounting and law firms. We provide an opportunity to meet key executives of the IRS as well as state and local tax officials at our annual Tax Administrators’ Night and at our annual IRS Liaison Meeting. As responsible stewards of the tax profession, we also award scholarships to students pursuing post-graduate tax degrees from local schools: The University of Southern California and California State University, Northridge. Students and faculty from these programs attend the IRS Liaison Meeting and Tax Administrators’ Night. Most importantly our members get the chance to meet and forge relationships with a group of tax professionals who share the same concerns and issues that face all corporate tax departments.
"Tax Executives Institute, Inc. (TEI) is a professional organization of business executives who are responsible for taxation matters on an administrative or policy-making level, or whose work is otherwise primarily concerned with the problems of business taxation."
- Tax Executives Institute
Chapter Leadership
- Mr. Scott Schroeder - Chapter President
- Linda Kim - Chapter Representative
- Brandy Blaske - Chapter First Vice President
- Youngjee Shin - Chapter Secretary
- Ms. Julie S. Kontsis - Chapter Treasurer
- Jennifer Chiu - Chapter Board Director
- Mrs. Darshana Joglekar - Chapter Board Director
- Mrs. Kattia Medina-Frink, Esq - Chapter Board Director
- Sukhdeep Nagra - Chapter Board Director
- Katherine S. Henry - Past Chapter President
- Michelle Schapiro - Past Chapter President
- Mr. Roman L. Wasylyn - Past Chapter President
- Mr. Tats Yamasaki - Past Chapter President
- Mr. Thomas A. Bayless, Sr - Past Chapter President
- Silva Yeghyayan - Past Chapter President